About PunnyFarm
For years I've listened to my husband's puns and heard my kids say a thousand times, "mom, please make him stop!". It may be a little twisted, but it was actually fun to see how loud they could moan or ugh, or how red their faces could turn in embarrassment around their friends with a particularly corny dad pun (I'm not alone in this, am I?).
Then the kids moved out and I found myself listening to my punmaster husband alone and regretting my bad mother choices by not putting a stop to the punning sooner. As every parent knows, since I didn't nip it in the bud, it was too late; the punning was now ingrained and unstoppable. So, instead of complaining or hiding from my husband, I decided to put his punning to good use and we started PunnyFarm. I thought if the kids saw someone walking around with his pun on their chest, it might bring those horrifying family memories back to them. He thought how awesome it was to share his puns right from his computer without having to hunt me down in the house (I was running out of hiding places anyway).
We're working on creating a huge selection of punny t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and mugs. Each week, we release a new design for a pun t-shirt, funny t-shirt, joke t-shirt, dad t-shirt, or just a plain t-shirt for funny people! If you have enough t-shirts, have no fear, you can snag a pun sweatshirt or funny mug while you’re here – we’ve got you covered. Each design has a classic pun or dad joke that will keep you smiling all day. If it doesn’t keep you smiling, it will at least get you plenty of eye rolls…and after all, isn’t that the whole point of a pun?
We love to share the joy of punning (ok, he loves to share the joy punning), so each month we offer a pun contest. Customers (or potential customers, we don’t care) submit their best pun. If we use it, they get a free t-shirt with their pun on it plus bragging rights for being a pontificating published punster. Ready to submit? Select here for the rules and the submission form.
Before we leave, here’s an interesting fact we bet you didn’t know: in a 2011 study, researchers found that puns were linked with mental and mating aptitude (my husband loves to share that study). Skip the dating apps and buy a pun t-shirt – it will save you lots of money in the long run.
Are you ready start pun-ishing everyone you see with one (or more) of our punny products? (sorry, he made me put that in)
And if anyone asks you where do puns grow? Just tell ‘em on the PunnyFarm, of course!